Sunday 3rd December
Today was a lovely sunny day; super hot weather. We realised our auto pilot issue is not quite fixed after we lost rudder sensors and auto pilot again on my nightshift. I was able to hand steer while Rich reset it & it came back up. We still have some work to do to fix that problem. Gisele & I made pizza dough and prepped 4 pizzas for dinner. We caught another yellowfin tuna on the rod and at the exact same time the hand line caught a mahi-mahi, so the excitement was on as we tried to bring in both fish. Unfortunately, the mahi got away and Gisele was so disappointed because it was on her line. But we did bring in the yellowfin tuna, and a few hours after that we brought in our biggest mahi-mahi ever. So we are fully stocked up with the fish again in case we encounter the Sargassum area, which is the thick seaweed zone. We haven’t reached it yet, but guessing we may soon and once you get there, we've heard it’s not really possible to keep the lines out.
We listened to music all day which we haven’t done on other days so that was nice, a bit of boogieing and fun. Gisele and Jacques were keen to watch the second Kingsman movie and came to us with a plan to pay for the download of the movie via Starlink, if we could watch it this afternoon, and so we did. We ate pizzas and watched the movie and at the end of it all, it was time to wash the dishes and get ready for our nightshift schedule. We have yet to encounter a squall, but continue to change out to white sails & 1 reef at night, just to be safe. Possibly sailing a bit too conservatively - maybe why we’re at the back of the pack! ;-p
Uno out.