Hot Stuff - 13:30.955N 58:39.08W
So we have gone from 35 knots torrential rain, white knuckle rides down tower block swell, Nick hitting 16.6 knots whist screaming Yippee Kiyaaaa, to no wind. Just 10 knots of wind and boat speed to 5 knots.
That has massively modified our eta adding an extra night! Just when we hoped for a full nights sleep which is def needed the sun comes out as well just to make a day nap less likely.
But on the plus side its 140 miles to go! Then the famous St Lucia welcome (unless the crew abandon ship passing Barbados). We have not seen land yet although on the chart is looks so close.
Think its going to be a day of trying to maintain the course and as much speed as we can hoping the wind fills in.
Jack however is happy as we are going slow enough to try and catch fish or probably the gull circling his lure at the moment!