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Frances Louise V - November 24th

The job for November 24th was to make a decision on our course and sail plan. We need a wind direction of at least around 070 degrees to directly lay our waypoint off the SW corner of Grenada under full genoa and ballooner. Otherwise we are into broad reaching under white sails if we want to sail the direct and shortest distance. 
The day started well. The wind was still oscillating, but trending eastwards, and now blowing 061 degrees. When we reviewed the fleet comments on WhatsApp many further north of us, nearer the rhumb line, complained of lack of wind and having to motor. Several said they were sailing south for more wind. The grib files were still telling us that there is more wind south, that it is trending easterly, and that it will get there in the coming days. So, we decided that our decision to come south, unlike the majority of the fleet, was vindicated, and we would continue as is. Maybe apathy rules! But, we decided to persevere. The downside is a longer route, so longer voyage. But, frankly, we don’t care about that - we have plenty of food and water on board, lots to do, and it is absolutely gorgeous out here. Of course, in the afternoon, the wind swung back into the north east didn’t it! 

We had a great days sailing. The wind was stronger - 15-18 knots, and so the seas a bit more rolly, but we have just been skimming along, throwing out and leaving a trail of white wake in the blue ocean. Incidentally our temperature reading is that the sea is 27.6 degrees now, down from 28!  The sun just keeps on shining too. The boat seems to be in her absolute element, almost pushing us away from interfering. We are sailing at 5/6 knots, occasionally surfing at more. 

As darkness came the wind increased again. No moon until a bright orange sliver appeared at 0300. At first I worried it was a ship with strange lighting, but it soon rose upwards and revealed itself properly as a crescent on its back. Before that flying along in the dark was just magic. 
With the higher winds our days run was back up to “normal” at 138.2 nm. We were 127 miles closer, so  our course is off, but we know that. In the middle of the night we had covered 331.3nm and have 1,862 to go…….


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