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Mischievous - Fw: The Adventure of Mischievous

Hello everyone for our daily update .

It was a quiet day. We sailed 156 miles

So far we have sailed 1, 676 miles .

We keep our fishing pole out all the time during the day.

We caught another Mahi-Mahi.

Mahi Mahi are also called dolphin fish. This is not the same as a dolphin , aquatic mammal that breaths air .

This fish is very plentiful in the sea and and is one of the fastest growing fish in the sea, doubling in size in the first year.

They have a lifespan of 4-5 years.

They like to eat flying fish.

The weather was calmer so we climbed up into the rigging to do some repairs after the strong winds of the last few days.

We got all our repairs done !! Everything is good!

In the evening we saw the moon and the planet Venus

Our current position is :

19 degrees , 47 minutes north latitude

41 degrees , 12 minutes west longitude.

Another update tomorrow.

Best regards


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