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Hummingbird - blog 7 december

Hummingbird Blog  Saturday 7th December 2024

Hello readers! It's the weekend so for us that means the same as any other day. We had a nice night of sailing last night with a few manageable squalls that pushed us along quite nicely. This was a welcome treat given the night before that saw 40kt gusts that caused us to broach and round up, and resulted in the need to repair two headsails, replace a headsail hank, and clean up all the vegetables that were launched as the excitement ensued.

Talk of arrival increases as well as where our friends on BlueJay are in relation to us. We heard that they gained time on us during our headsail adventures, and this cannot be allowed to continue. We are of course cruising not racing, but still.Get thee behind us Bluejay!

With thirteen days on the ocean behind us, some of you may be wondering about personal hygiene on board. To understand this fully we must start with the definition of what 'Clean' is. Clean is being in a similar condition to those around you. Alex informed us that in days of sailing past, washing was considered to be unhygienic. So, to honour those sailors of old who died before their time due to causes linked to lack of sanitation, and in true Orwellian style, clean is dirty and dirty is clean. Any issues with that, take it up with the Ministry of Truth (AKA Skipper and/or Mate).

Our dearest Jill broke this pact the other day and emerged on deck smelling almost floral. After much tut tutting by the on watch and putting her on winch grinding duty for twenty minutes as we shook out the reefs in this Caribbean heat, we soon got her back to clean. Well done Jill, you are one of us again!

We can have a shower of course if we so choose. We have one in the head (boat toilet) where the sink faucet can extend into a shower spray. The head on our boat is similar in size and quality to a toilet cubicle that you might find in any respectable dive bar, and if you do take a shower, you must also clean up the space after you. To imagine this exercise given that you will also be naked and soapy, you must picture a seal cleaning a washing machine from the inside while the machine is still on wash cycle. So, for most of us, it’s better to just stay 'clean' and just not wash.

Dental hygiene on the other hand appears to be important to all, (even the British on board strangely enough), and everyone attempts to get their twice daily brushing in, usually around two thirty.

Keep it clean everyone!


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