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Bluejay - Blog 08/12/24

Sunday 8th December

It's been two weeks since twelve strangers left the safety net of Las Palmas marina and embarked on a journey to sail 2,800 miles across the North Atlantic Ocean. Some may consider us mad, and others adventurers, but it's safe to say each crew member has their own motives for pursuing such a unique challenge. For all our crew onboard Bluejay, this is the longest any of them have spent at sea, and as a result, away from loved ones. The day-to-day routine of boat life keeps us busy - sail changes, deck checks, meal preparation, fishing, helming and weather routing to name a few. Today saw our first head sail change in several days. The poled out yankee 2 was replaced with the larger yankee 1 in preparation for the upcoming lighter winds. With less than 600NM to go, we're still riding the ever so blue Atlantic surf and spirits remain high.

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