Land ho!
It's 8:18am Snowmane time on Friday December 13th. 7:18am St Lucia time. The sun rose an hour ago and revealed land ahead. We can see both St Lucia where we are headed and Martinique over to our right. The water still looks like glass. Not sailing
conditions but it's absolutely beautiful.
Over to our left, not too far, is another ARC boat motoring along at a similar speed. There are quite a few other boats that we can't see but we know are also very close, all coming in for a similar finish time. The boat on our left is the one
that rescued a catamaran many days ago. The catamaran had lost their rudder and were taking on water. They called a mayday and were picked up by this boat. They have done over 2000 miles on the one boat. I wonder what emotions they are all going through on
that boat.
For me, it's a huge feeling of accomplishment. This is a pretty huge thing. All of us who got up for the sunset had huge grins on our faces at the view we saw. I don't know if I will ever sail across an ocean again but I am very glad to have
done this. It certainly had it's difficulties, lack of sleep being the biggest one for me, but I never felt that we were unsafe and I never felt that we were being foolish. I think we will all be changed by this but I guess it remains to be seen on what ways.