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Lady Kay - Trade winds

After the stifling heat and no winds of the equatorial doldrums we are now at last getting some trade winds and sailing at a good speed. If feels quite cool after Equatorial climes and have even put on a fleece during night watches. We also have some waves instead of flat seas which is the down side. Conversation is dominated by either how many hours to got to Hiva Oa, which varies considerably as based on current speed, and what other ways are there to cook tuna (seared with sesame seeds & soy last night).
Our picture today is a blue-footed Booby on Espanola. Its amazing that they just sit there, not bothered by your presence.
On the blue footed booby front, Kerry is worried that after 3 months of not wearing shoes, on her return to cold London her feet will be this wide (and this colour!).


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