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Kasuje - Daily Log Thursday 13th March

Hi All
Good news today. Firstly Skip managed to get through the night without another relapse, and is on the mend although is being restricted to water only for another 24 hours, that makes 5 days with no solids. He will be able to slide under the door soon!!  Secondly and most importantly, we think we have found the South East Trades. They started last night, came and went a few times, and have now blown about 18 knots for the last 8 hours. The inline six has been put to bed , hopefully for a couple of weeks, and we are now whizzing along at about 8.5 knots. Australian Bruce, our weather router, has done a fantastic job directing us to the winds and avoiding the worst of the storms. We did however catch a rainstorm last night that lasted 3 hours, drenched Ruby and I, and nearly filled the bucket left on deck must have been 8 inches of rain. The general weather is still rather cloudy but the temperature is a very comfortable 27 degrees. The forecast is for more of this over the next few days with the winds increasing slightly to 20 - 25 knots, so we are off on the charge for the skips holy grail of a 200 nm daily run!!! That will cheer him up. So watch this space.
Kind Regards
Bruce and the crew.

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