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Cleone - Leg 4 Day 5 - Red Lion Mystery Deepens

Long-term Northamptonshire absentee identified - family and friends questioned.  Meanwhile, Cleone escapes a brewed-up battery and dives South to catch the Trades.
There was consternation in the small sleepy Northamptonshire Village of Grendon, where it has been revealed that there has been no confirmed sighting of Red Lion Regular, local man Chris "Norfy" North, for several months.  Landlord Ian Fletcher confirmed Norfy's apparent disappearance late on Tuesday.  "His slate was full; he owes me 17 pounds fourteen shillings and eight pence, not counting last Saturday's Rugby", complained Ian.  "I searched the gents and the skittle-alley, where he normally retreats at pay-up time, but couldn't find him".  An ad-hoc committee of other locals was immediately convened.  Spokesman Mojo Mike said discussions had revealed that, though they had been drinking on Norfy's slate as usual, nobody could remember actually seeing him in the Red Lion since January.  Son Phil revealed "I went to the Red Lion on Sunday as usual, wanting to celebrate Scotland's stunning and well-deserved victory with Dad, as I knew he would have enjoyed seeing England getting thrashed at Murrayfield.  I checked all the table tops in the Saloon Bar, but Dad wasn't dancing, so I knew there was something amiss".  Back at the family home, the curtains were drawn, the house was in darkness and our reporter's knock drew no response.  But the family's spokes-person refused to deny rumours that Norfy had gone off with "Cleone", and the spokes-person added that "I am not in a position to deny rumours that Norfy might turn up in with Cleone in some far away Pacific Island in the next couple of weeks or so".  The Northamptonshire Police pointed out that "whilst disappearing per se was not a crime, leaving unpaid bills in the Red Lion certainly was", and confrimed that following a formal complaint, investigations might be put in hand.
It has also been separately reported that shares in the Red Lion have dropped sharply (all trading has been suspended), following the issue of a profits warning.  Landord Mr Ian Fletcher denied there was any connection between this and the Norfy mystery.
Meanwhile, there's also been excitement aboard Cleone.  A long discussion on the weather, with particuar help from Peter Turner in Asolare, led to us turning South to seek the Trade Winds.  As we motored throughout the day, the wind gradually picked up from the South East, and by 1030 pm (0430 UK time) we were at last able to switch off the engine and actually sail our course.  As of now, the wind has freshened, and we are down at 06 degrees South, and comfortably laying our Great Circle route course on a broad reach towards Hiva Oa (on the Port Tack).  But during the early evening, the Skipper was wakened by a small crack and a fizzing noise, accompanied by a strong smell of burning.  An imminent fire on a small boat normally energises the crew, and this was no exception.  The Skipper was out of his bunk, ordering the turning off of the engine, switching off all the electrics and sizing up the situation in no time flat.  On the chart table, the battery for the portable drill had been quietly re-charging, and it was immediately clear that it had cooked-off, and iindeed might have been on the point of bursting into flames.  So without further ado, he chucked it into the ocean.  Immediate problem solved, but does anyone want an electric drill with no battery, or does anyone know whether batteries for said drill can be obtained in French Polynesia?
Apart from that, it's now a bit of a bumpy ride, but we are making good progress in the right direction without using the engine!
All well and all the best,
James, Chris & Elizabeth
Yacht Cleone
At sea
06.05S 98.41W

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