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Jus'Do It 3 - wind!

Friday 14.03 .08

The afternoon (yesterday) continues to be cloudy and grey. Gray Lady passes close on our stern at 2pm - we wave and take photos of each other, and they sail off into the horizon. Later we can see their silhouette against the sunset sky. Our fillet steak turns out to be not quite as described so it’s fired into a red wine marinade to be casseroled tomorrow. Corn beef dinner! We continue with average 15 knot winds on a beam reach, averaging 9 knots throughout the night (assisted by approx 1-1.5 knot current). Very enjoyable overnight sail; a bright night with lots of shooting stars. We see 3 other boat lights in the night and in the morning can make out 2. We get on the radio and speak to Southern Princess and Storyteller. Apparently Kasuje is the other boat but we can’t raise them on the VHF. Throughout the morning we continue on our way with steady wind, bright sunny blue skies and puffy white clouds, averaging 9 knots SOG. This is now perfect sailing and we’re thoroughly enjoying it after all that motoring!  Seeing it’s Friday we decide to knock off early and have a couple of lunchtime beers…all we need now is a fish!

Distance covered in last 24hours; 206.5 miles.(our best so far!)

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