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Lady Kay - 2336nm to go

We are sailing along at a high speed for us. Touching 8 to 9 knots at the moment. There are strong trade winds of between 15 and 22 knots so we are romping along. The weather is good with clear skies.

What a change from the first few days of near calm weather and motor sailing. We are all well but finding the lumpy sea a bit tiring.

At the moment we are surrounded by flying fish but have seen little else and not a single boat after the first day. We still have a long way to go 2,300 miles, but we have done 650 miles so far.

Kerry has been working hard keeping us all organised, Jackie has been sorting out our haute cuisine and Michael has been busy repairing and maintaining eg improving our SSB radio, which is our only method of daily contact with the other boats. We now have a daily 'wimmins' hour as well as the noon official log in and check.

Our picture for today is of Kerry with a Booby chick.

All the Best

Jackie, Michael and Kerry.


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