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Graptolite - 420 Miles Out

04:28.24S 097:04.96W Friday PM in a rain squall 420 miles southwest of the Galapagos

I'm struggling here to find much to say that is likely to be of interest and it's much too early on the trip to be making silly stuff up.

The wildlife is keeping its head down. We caught a little bonito for lunch but that doesn't really count. We did see some spouting whales in the distance to cries of "Thar she blows!" but that's about it.

Heike is having an unpleasant time with the 'mal de mer' and is working her way through the medical supplies for a suitable remedy. We've all been there, although facing the possibility of many weeks of it with no chance of
getting off the boat can't be nice.

The wind seems to be picking up a bit although much of it is related to short-lived squalls coming out of the south east. We are continuing to head towards 6 degrees south, 100 degrees west as per weather-router advice.


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