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Andante of Mersey - Life aboard - leg four

Well we are now settling in to life on board .Mathew and myself are the new crew, who have never done very long passages before. We are joining skipper Bob Keith and Ann.The Galapogos islands where great fun, swimming with seals, rays, turtles & nemos.The land animals had no fear of humans you could go to within inches of the boobies iguanas and sea lions.We went to the Darwin centre and saw lonesome George the tortoise, he wasnt that lonsome though as he had two lady tortoises with him but at 130 I think he would have preferred a fresh lettuce.The start of the sail was Sunday from Puerta Ayora, we were 3 hrs late due to having two engineers on board fixing the mast. After two days we started having trouble with  water maker and still are, also the auto helm wants a long rest every couple of hours.Fishing the score  is five nil to the tuna three escaped the line with the bait before we could get them on board.
The 4th we got on board gave it a slug of vodka and it jumped back in (cheap vodka).The 5th tuna got eaten by a shark as as we reeled it in line as well,so we are still living off the canned variety. Life on board is good Gordon


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