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Jus'Do It 3 - tuna!

 Saturday 15.03.08

We carry on throughout the afternoon and into the night,8 – 9 knots with up to 2 knots current. At sunset we notice more birds all of a sudden, shearwaters and petrels are ducking and diving all around. Annie says that means we’re going to catch a fish soon – the words are barely out her mouth when the can rattles! (the hand-line is rigged with Stewy’s high tech tin can alarm system). Unfortunately the fish is off before we get it in. This same scenario happens again about half an hour later. We decide it will be third time lucky. It’s another beautiful night; the waxing half moon is now up for longer and gives bright light in the sky and on the water. Not a cloud to be seen. Ian enjoys the sunrise at precisely 7.05am on his lone watch. We’ve 2000 miles to go at 7.25am. The wind has now increased to to 15-20 knots and we’re tootling along averaging 8-9 knots SOG. At 10am Stewy and Ronnie decide to change the lures. At 10.30 am the can rattles! Yipee! – this time it’s landed – a 5lb black-fin tuna – perfect size for 4. Stewy does a grand job filleting and skinning,it’s bagged and in the freezer. Sushi or steaks? – we’ll decide as the day goes on. It’s the first fish of our big crossing! Ronnie has a chat with Storyteller to give them advice on their freezer pump problems. We can now see both Southern Princess and Storyteller off our port to SW. It’s going to be another lovely day…

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