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Storyteller - Day 6

After a wonderful afternoon's sailing yesterday we found that the halyard had almost chaffed through so its no more spinnakers until we get to the Marquesas. However, we still have beautiful sailing conditions and with helpful current we are averaging 8kts. The seas are flat and the boat is comfortable. We estimate that we have now covered 1/3 of the distance. Food and wine supplies are holding well and there is talk of a party to celebrate half way.
Surprisingly we are within 1/2 mile of Southern Princess, and two other boats are nearby. One of them has a refrigeration engineer on board. His wife is joining at the Marquesas and should be able to bring the parts we need. Last evening at cocktail time Jim entertained the homesick Kiwi's on S.Princess by VHF radio with a selection of songs in Maori -- much to their surprise. Also, much to our surprise Tony turned out very tasty bread rolls for lunch.
We are now 1000 miles from the nearest land and it surprising to see birds out here. Each morning we collect up the flying fish and small squid from the deck and I guess that's why the birds are here.

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