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Kasuje - daily log 16 March 2008

Hi All,
Another day of blue skies, sunshine and wonderful seas. The winds are blowing as predicted by Bruce our weatherman ( not to be mixed with Bruce our crew member) and we are making good speeds. We have passed our 900 mile mark today and hopefully if we can keep the speeds up we shall arrive in Marquesas on the 25th or 26th March. I have been plotting the boat positions on a graph and it is not only comforting to know there are several boats quite near to us, but also that we are in about sixth or seventh position. However, as Skipper always reminds us..."we are not a racing boat".
There has been great activity in the galley yesterday and today. Clearly everyone, apart from the skipper,  is on top form and looking for new ways to pass the time. Skipper, after eating his first large meal for days, has now been put back on short rations after his stomach objected to such a shock of being full again. Yesterday I made a sponge cake for tea which was most popular and soon disappeared. Ruby has been inspired to make bread today and has been putting into practice what she was shown during a provisioning lecture. We are all eagerly awaiting jam sandwiches for tea. Bruce is our chef for today and despite not admitting to like pasta has produced an extremely tasty pasta lunch.
We haven't seen any more turtles today, but we do keep seeing the amazing flying fish. They all seem to fly in formation and then crash into a high wave. The sea must be full of them as we are constantly seeing them, occasionally they land on the boat and are unable to get back into the water.
I hope you are all enjoying our daily log...we certainly enjoy hearing from our family and friends. I had been trying to find out who had won the Gold Cup at the Cheltenham Festival and was delighted that Bruce's Mother included that bit of news in her email today. For those of you who are interested it was Denman.
Best wishes to all
Angela, Skipper Steve and crew

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