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Quasar V of Lleyn - log 14/03/2008

Friday 7th March


Sue is not that well after our night out at the restaurant where the ARC party is tonight, but struggles onto the boat for Santa Fe. Although the others enjoyed it on Thursday and the lagoon had crystal clear blue water, there wasn't anything to see that we hadn't seen before on the snorkelling and I didn't go ashore to look at more iggies as my back was bad, so instead I concentrated on fly killing and had notched up more than 30 kills by the time the others got back!

Then at 14:30 we set off back thinking we would be back at Puerto Ayora about 17:00. Not so, we were taken to the other end of the Island so the boat could reposition itself no doubt for another South Plaza trip the next
day and by the time we had taken a coach back it was 19:15 and we ended up being 2 hours late for the ARC dinner! I was not amused!

However after we were squeezed onto a table with Lori, Barry, Steve and Co we had a good evening one of the best ARC parties so far!

Friday 14th March


If you ever dreamt of the perfect sailing weather: clear blue sunlit skies, calm seas, 15-20 knots of breeze, 8 plus knots of boat speed, well we got it and probably for sometime to come!

Exercising our minds this afternoon was how to hit the illusive 200! That is 200 nm in a day something only rarely achieved in Quasar. For 3 hours or so we were averaging 9.3 knots and this with a reefed main to make life comfortable! However with our new lazy person's watch system of 2 hours on and 8 off at night we reefed the main more to make sleeping for the off watch crew easier and so the on watch person only has to mess with the
foresails. In the event the sails were untouched all night, but we only averaged about 7.5 and so the 200 remains illusive!

Perfect in the Pacific -You Bet!


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