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Asolare - Leg 4, Day 7 to Marquesas .Boeing 747 landed on the yacht!

Sunday 14th March 2008


 A Boeing 747 landed on our deck today! Yes really – look at the attached photo!

By the time we had recovered from the shock and retrieved the big blue flying “bird”, the Boeing’s engines were unfortunately dead.

You can see clearly where Boeing’s designers got there design from - and I thought the Americans had designed the 747 from scratch – silly boy!

After all that early excitement we settled down to a more leisurely sail as the wind has reduced in strength and backed a little more making the time to launch our Parasailor a lot closer. By the time of writing tomorrow’s log it should, hopefully, be accompanied with a photo of this beautiful sail!

With this down wind sail, our daily average distances should increase from about 185 to well over 200 – we shall see!

Capt. Peter




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