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Jus'Do It 3 - getting there

16.03.08 1pm.

In the afternoon we enjoy a very welcome tuna fish lunch – roll on the next one! It’s a non eventful night’s sailing, but comfortable and enjoyable. By the morning the wind and current have dropped. We appear to have approx 0.5 knot tide with us. We decide to alter course 10’ to westward and goosewing for a couple of hours until 12. We’re now only doing 6.5 knots over the ground. There’s lots of flying fish (mostly tiny) on the deck this morning . Stewy finds one that’s big enough to eat and fries it up for his breakfast. We have another sort out of our sacks of fruit and veg. Ian and Annie squeeze what feels like another hundred oranges!

W’ve now been at sea exactly one week.

Distance in last 24 hours; 193 miles


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