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Graptolite - 1140 Miles Out

Pacific Ocean, Tuesday.

It makes you appreciate what a fantastic invention fishfingers are.

Colin hooked a 20lb skipjack tuna this morning. As we are not using rods and reels, the lines get hauled in bleeding-hand-over-bleeding-hand. The Health and Safety Officer has made Colin promise to wear gloves next time.

Anyway, guess what we had for lunch? And what we are having for dinner tonight? And tomorrow?

More Grapto lyrics have been concocted by the librettist team of Heike and me. Nothing fit for publication yet but one to the tune of 'Israelites' by Desmond Decker (did I say Bony M before?) is looking promising. This is the first verse:

'Get up in the morning looking for good winds
So that every sail can be filled
Oh! on me yacht Graptolite'

We are at 07:02.44S 107:53.10W unless we have offended the little yellow navigation god. Jacqui advises me that the ancient Polynesians also used their testicles to locate magnetic north. After some experimentation magnetic variation feels to be about 10degE locally but we need an adjuster to properly swing the compasses to get deviation corrections. Something to try if Hiva Oa doesn't loom on the horizon like it's supposed too.


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