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Jus'Do It 3 - not just flying fish!

Wednesday 19. 03.08 12.30pm

Just before sundown we see lots of activity in the water ahead; there’s a feeding frenzy going on – numerous tuna and dolphins leaping into the air over quite a large area. We think we might pick up a stray but not even a bite! Southern Princess passes ahead of us travelling south. The sea has a bigger roll to it now and we’re seeing a lot more bird life. Stewy identifies Skuas, Petrels and Terns but we’ll need a closer look to identify which ones. Night watches continue to be relaxing and enjoyable. Ronnie sees a big squall pass ahead in the night but luckily we miss it.

The wind has now dropped  to 10-11 knots, we’re doing a steady 7.5 - 8 knots SOG steering a course of 206’.

Distance in last 24hrs – 191 miles.

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