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Whitbread - What would Ellen do?

This is a question that we seem to be asking ourselves more and more on Whitbread. If something is going wrong with the engine or there is a wind shift or if it's simply whether to have a cup of tea or coffee we say to ourselves...."What would Ellen do?" We have her book onboard of her solo trip on B&Q and she has become for us, and in Wolfy's eyes especially, a hero.

I'm thinking of making up some wristbands that we can market to the sailing world with the letters W.W.E.D. printed on them so that each time you find yourself in a predicament or stuck as to what decision to make you look at your wristband for that bit of inspiration from Ellen. Of course these wristbands would be produced in a range of colours and reasonably priced at $6.99 each and available at all good chandleries.

Our latest game to pass time in the cockpit is 'Guess the distance' with your host Sam Needham. A simple but somewhat challenging game of how far are we on the GPS from say Geneva or Sydney or Uzbekestan? First to "buzz" in with nearest answer wins. Like right now how far do you think we are from London?

....we're 6,805 nautical miles in a straight line from London!

After several days and nights of clouds and squally weather it was great last night to have a near full moon and cloudless sky, its more like daytime it' so bright. And earlier today we scooped up a bottle that had a flier in it for a Full Moon Party at some place nearby called '110 Degrees West' so we're gonna head there later and check it out, should be a good night.

Oh excellent. I've just been informed by the Bridge it's 1,682 miles to go to the Marquesas.


P.S. I don't know karate but I do know crazy!

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