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Kasuje - daily log,Wednesday 19th March

Hi All,
It's another day sailing in what seems like paradise. The days do seem to fly by despite not having much to do. The scene at the moment Ruby and Bruce engrossed in books, Skipper helming with ear phones attached and occasionally bursting into song. ("Thankfully not Abba" says Ruby our younger crew member) and me having just finished my book deciding to contact the outside World.
It is wonderful receiving all your emails with news from home, we seem so far away from reality here. Steve downloads the emails once a day and it is always exciting to see who has contacted us and with what news. I had been trying to find out who had won at Cheltenham and lo and behold Bruce's Mother sent just that news item for us. My brother then let me know that one of our friend's horses won one of the big races at Cheltenham. Of all the years I have attended the Festival meeting it had to happen when I was sailing...such is life. Keith I am so pleased to hear that not only are you doing more sailing, but that you are now enjoying skiing so much. I brought on the boat the book written by Ian Dickens who was on the Clipper 2000 race and everyone has been reading it. It brought back all the memories of Cape Town Clipper. At least on Kasuje we don't have any spinnakers and we haven't had to spend days mending them. Cheryl, Martin had told us he would be moving on, we shall all have to go and sample the new menu when we get home. The new people have a high standard set for them. Val, your rope toggles have been put to good use and I am sure an order for more will be placed. Sally, it sounds as though Edward is finding a new career for himself on the stage.
We are making good speeds and seem to be finding the wind and current as predicted by our weather router. We have also managed to avoid the thunderstorms which seem to be in the area. The day is much cloudier today, but still very hot. Our fastest day was 195 nautical miles, I gather the record day for Kasuje was with her previous owner who managed to do 210 nm somewhere in the Azores. We would have made our 200 mile target had we not had to stop for a large tuna, which managed to get enticed by Steve's fishing lines. It was great excitement and everything had to stop while the fish was landed. Fortunately Steve was on cooking duty and a marvellous fresh fish supper was eaten.
Cooking is always a challenge on the boat, it takes a long time discussing what we are going to eat, and depending on the angle of the boat it can take ages to produce a meal. The rule on the boat is that whoever cooks doesn't wash up, this works extremely well until the boys are on duty and then they tend to use all the pans, sieves, kitchen knives etc that they can find. No-one complains as my theory is any meal I haven't had anything to do with is a bonus. the loaf challenge is now on and today Bruce with a little bit of tuition has produced a marvellous looking loaf. We have decided it's strawberry jam sandwiches for tea. Some of us were hoping to lose some inches around the middle, but at this rate there won't be a chance of this!
Skipper is now beginning to relax and the job list on the boat is now well under control, at least he has stopped adding to it for the time being.
The loaf is cooked and it's time for tea!
Best wishes to you all,
Angela,Skip and crew.

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