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Southern Princess - Aunt Daisy, hot girdle scones and high tea!

Thursday March 20th                                    09:09S 121:41W
Aunt Daisy, an institution in New Zealand, from Auckland radio 1ZB for 36 years. Daisy produced many cook books and Irene has one on board with a publishing date of 1968. This was published 5 years after Daisy's death and was edited by Barbara Basham. 
Yesterday afternoon saw us having hot girdle scones, butter and lashings of raspberry jam for afternoon tea compliments of Lorraine and Aunt Daisy!

Been struggling a bit with the trade winds between East and East South East, which means they are a little to square (i.e. to far behind us, the yacht will sail faster across the wind) so this morning we have a strange rig up to try for that extra little 1/4 to half knot. The genoa is poled out to port, the mainsail is set to starboard, the staysail is set fore and aft to funnel wind into the genoa and then we have our light weight genoa, partially set to starboard, to catch the wind which slips between the staysail and the poled out genoa. Whew! The Princess just keeps shaking her head!
We will pass the 1000nm to go stage in a few hours which will make Hive Oa seem so much closer.

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