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Kasuje - daily Log Thur 20th March

Hello to everyone,
We have had a major problem on board today!!
The problem came in the form of who would write the daily log. We have all been at quite a loss of what we can write to keep you interested.
This was not a problem when crossing the Atlantic, as the weather was atrocious, with gale force winds, heavy rain, 5 meter high waves and lightening all making exciting stories. However, in the Pacific its different. Day after day we have had blues skies, calm winds of between 10 and 20 knots, low seas. So although it is nice sailing for us, for you at home it's probably less enthralling to read about.  
So here is the attempt to keep you all interested!
I went flipping crazy today, not because I was left the job of writing the log, but due to the fact it was my cooking day. I decided to make pancakes, as it seemed like the majority of us on board missed shrove Tuesday and with Easter just a doors knock away, I thought we should have some. The good thing about having shrove Tuesday today is there are only two days left of lent. So only two days to sacrifice something. I have decided to give up alcohol. Whoops i almost forgot we are on a dry boat, I will have to think of  something else. The pancakes went down well and the flipping action was probably one of the best in the Pacific or at least within our 30 mile radius.
With only 6-7 more days of sailing until we reach the Marquesas, Skip thought it would be fun to try and race the other boats to the finishing line.  Due to this we have decided to retire our fifth and most reliable member, the autopilot, and helm for ourselves to gain some extra speed. Angela and Bruce did a fair bit of helming today, and i have to say they did a stirring job.

I believe this may be why my task was to write the log and flip pancakes, as me on the helm would cause us to either go backwards or at least a lot slower and less steady! However thinking about it that may not be a bad thing as it would definitely have been more dangerous with me on the helm, and subsequently give us more to write about.  
Another way we were able to gain extra speed was by becoming more streamline. To be more streamline, the skipper and Bruce had to put their engineering and mathematical brains together to devise a plan. They came up with an amazing idea and thirty minutes later came out of their cabins with no beards!!......................  We must have gained another 0.01 knot, at least!  
Love to everyone,    
Kind regards
Ruby, Skipper and Crew

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