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Asolare - Leg 4, Day 13. Good Friday!

Good Friday 21st March 2008


Perhaps it is a good thing that there are no shops out here to buy lots of Easter eggs but plenty of places to hide them – other than the orchard!

We also are unlikely to have a celebration dinner featuring the “Catch of the Day”. We tried fishing all day but did not get a bite!

The association of Good Friday, Mount of Olives and 5 fishes brought BREAD to mind so I set to and baked a great loaf of bread. The photo is the closest thing we are likely to get to our wayward fish so we are going to have Fried English Bacon between well buttered slices of fresh bread! – Just like our great party with friends on “Asolare” sailing out of St. Lucia at 5.00am last Christmas Morning to watch the sun rise. We had Champagne with our “bacon butties” then so we shall do so again – just to keep the tradition going you understand!

The wind has held up a little better than expected but it is still slowly reducing with only 8 knots true occasionally. The average wind strength is 13 knots so we are still able to make 6.5 – 8.0 knots with the favourable current of nearly a knot.

On the 15th March we were 15th overall and 8th in our class as we had not used our engine very much. We have now climbed up to 8th Overall and third in class so we are very pleased with our progress across this beautiful sea. Just 888 miles to go at 14:15 UTC today so may reach Hiva Oa, in the Marquesas on 26th March. These logs are also posted on the yacht’s own web site at  

Adios Mon Amigos,

Capt. Peter


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