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Graptolite - In The Middle of Nowhere

08:25.06S 114:28.15W , Thursday 20th March, half-way between Galapagos and Marquesas

We are now over half-way across and it's all downhill from here. I was horrified to discover we had no champagne in the wine cellar for the celebration. It's not easy being the best part of 1,500 miles from an off-licence.

Colin continues to fish even though we definitely don't want any tuna. All the bites today have immediately taken all the line and snapped it off. This is fine, as anything that can break 100lb test line like it was cotton thread is not something we want either ripping off the transom or snapping at us on deck. It's getting to be costly for tackle though.

Heike continues to surprise us with her bikinis. It seem like it's a different one every day. Still, it adds a touch of glamour that Colin and I don't seem to manage by ourselves.


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