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Quasar V of Lleyn - Log

Thursday 21st March

A word about yesterday's 'whales' - I was in my cabin trying to sleep when I
heard a commotion in the cockpit, so I looked up out of the aft hatch to see
what I thought were 2 large dolphins surfacing right alongside, thought
boring, what's everyone getting exited about and I went back to my bed! Alas
I missed the show, but saw some of it on the video JB made!

JB: At this juncture I am tres worried about the skipper's judgement. As
you can see from the photograph above these are clearly whales and there was
a pod of about 30 of them, some of which partook in a few gymnastic feats of
the whale variety. Not only that, I was literally hyperventilating in the
cockpit such was my state of sheer ecstacy at the sight of these beautiful
animals displaying their graceful agility I was shocked Roberto didn't come
running up in to the cockpit to tell me to shut the hell up - for you
readers, this is the normal course of action when I get feverishly

For this morning's entertainment the Twistle Rig is belately set and life is
alot more comfortable and we are sailing slightly faster as a result!

Barry - I am really impressed with the Twistle Rig. I had heard a lot about
this down-wind sail rig during on the Atlantic, but had never been on a boat
equiped with one. The choice of down-wind rig is very important for
trade-wind sailing as you spend most of your time sailing with the wind on
your back. It took us about 1-hour to hoist the 2nd yankee, connect the
graphite poles and the 3 control lines (uphaul, fwd-downhaul &
aft-downhaul). With the main furled, the twin-yankees were unfurled and are
now flying out in front of Quasar. It is an extremely easy rig to use and we
have hardly had to touch a rope since we put it up. It certainly answers a
few of the problems that we had with our twin-headsail set up on the
Atlantic crossing... Douze points pour le Twistle!

Stay tuned!

(RL) I am rotated back now to a 10-12 pm watch and the condtions are great
with 7.5 knots of boat speed, no rain and a superb almost full moon! We now
have just over 1100 miles to go to the Marquesas, so 7-8 days from now!


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