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Kealoha 8 - Happy easter all - what an eventful time we have been having .

Sorry we have been quiet for a few days , we have just been having so much fun . The wind continues to push us west (although we could do with a little more SE winds and less NE). Some are looking a little nervous on their arrival predictions, if the wind holds we hope to get to the Marqueses  Monday/Tuesday next week - so much sooner then some had expected , although Jen assures us there is enough food and drink for a 3 week trip - somehow I worry about the egg count as there may be no Carrabonara on this trip!

Rosie and Jens have done a great job in keeping fresh vegetables, now on day 13 we still have a wide range of fresh veg , and lots in the freezer ..


Adrian's Birthday passed - another record year older, and despite receiving lots of fishy presents - our strike rate has not been as good as we hoped  - he says we're going too fast ( v good excuse), and we have put some back on the grounds that we are now getting quite choosey about what we will eat  - bring on more yellow fin tuna .


St Patrick's day was one to remember for all - between Irish jigs, and Crac, a huge response to our fleet quiz and lots of wishes, - what was supposed to be a bank holiday turned out to be anything but , as David and Adrian had us working v hard , putting up and taking down various sail combinations ( I think 4 spinnaker hoists) all to get us there sooner.


Daniel is settling in well, and keeping us all on our toes, shaming us with the detail he can get into -regarding the correct use of the diving kit  and the washing machine , coupled with an  endless stream of good suggestions and offers of help in the galley .


Good news is that we are all learning a great dice game called Puerdo (liar dice)  - somehow David seems to have a knack for games of bluff .


Bad News  - 2 of our spinnakers have enjoyed the pacific so much that they are completely exhausted and have decided to rest ( Until we can find a sail maker )  - and yes this did include our much loved Pinkie  :-( .. don’t worry we still have one left and only 540 miles to go - so you can imagine we are looking after that very carefully !


Moral continues to be high, with all aboard now hooked on Jack Baur and "24" - we found the 45 min format perfect for after dinner viewing  - David is resisting  claiming he wants to save something for the Indian Ocean  ( I don’t think DVD's float)


So it being  Good Friday  - our fingers are crossed that Adrian will land a big fish for supper - we hope you are having a great Easter wherever you are.

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