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Asolare - Leg 4, Day 14. Pilot Whales!

Saturday 22nd March 2008


As expected the wind has almost died on us as we have only between 8 and 10 knots of true wind providing 4 to 5 Knots of apparent wind and about 4 knots of yacht speed. We do expect the wind to pick up very gradually over the next few hours so we are leaving our beloved Parasailor up for the time being. However, if the wind lulls a little we run the risk of the parasail wing cords getting caught in the rigging so we have lowered the sail a little so that the wing, if it collapses, will fall below the lowest spreaders and minimize a hang-up possibility. At 1328 hrs UTC (lunchtime in UK) it is still fully night time here but we have a full moon in an exceptionally clear sky and the magnificent Southern Cross star group to keep us company. The moon is immediately behind the centre of the Parasailor and it appears to glow lovingly in the dark begging to be left up! At sunset last night I took another “sunset” photo but the sail kept hogging the frame!

Enough of the sailing – we spotted at least three large pilot whales leaping their way in the direction of the Galapagos, as normal unlike dolphins, they took no notice of us at all and carried on past us.

Capt. Peter


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