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Our stay in Equador was uneventful except we went to meet our new crew, Joan, Diane and Mike in Guayaquill Ecu's 2nd largest city. Our 1st taxi driver could not find the airport! Then we spent a day sightseeing and a night in a  5star hotel - BLISS. Back on board, then a 5day windless crossing to the Galapagos Isles.  First to San Cristobal, sea lions everywhere, even sleeping on our stern in the morning. Day trip on large catarmaranto Kicker Rock, a huge structure rising over 1000ft from the sea. The rock had split forming a deep sea ravine. The skipper suggested we snorkel through the ravine and he would motor round the rock and pick us up on the other side. Into the water I went, the swell was huge in the ravine it was like swimming up Eastbank St bridge. Looking into the clear water I saw large turtles manta rays and some fairly large Hammerhead sharks plus lots of colourful fish. Unfortunately my mask came off at the other end of the ravine but a kind Italian man helped me to the safety of the waiting boat. SCARY.Anyway when I get home I shall get a tee shirt printed I've Been Through the Crack at Kicker.

Next destination Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz, Matthew joined us and we all enjoyed the busy little town, visiting restuarants and bars at night, during the day we were entertained by Pelicans Iguanas, Sea lions Turtles and many fish swimming round the boat.We visited the small island of Floreana, home to ancient tortoises. The best part of the day was swimming and snorkeling with the Sea Lions. Matt would dive down and imitate the sea lion then the sea lion would imitate Matt, the creatures are so curious and unafraid it was lovely to be able to have this experience. Sad to leave the lovely Galapagos as  we set of on our 3,000 mile journey across the Pacific, writing this blog we have been sailing for almost 2 weeks, with favourable winds and currents and hope to reach the Marquesas by the end of March.
Love to Friends and Family

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