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Whitbread - 'raping on deck

Good morning to all,

In the last 24 hrs the winds have been much lighter and more variable with shifts of up to 30 degrees, which has made it more challenging. We still have managed to cover 204 miles so i'm happy with that, and with 1065 to go, spirits are high onboard. Soon be in the pub, with that cold beer !!!

We had a gennaker wrap today and had to blow the halyard to get her down! It managed to twist 3 times so the sock (snuffer) was useless; it made everyone see what a good piece of kit the snuffer is though, as it took 4 of us to get the 2000 sq ft sail down the hatch! The gennaker is fine and back flying again giving us a boat speed of 10 kts
in 11kt apparent.

We still have 3 meat dinners left; a good job since of efforts at fishing have been unsuccessful. With our boat speed often at 11 kts we can see the lure flying on top of the waves! The only fish we have had on, have broken the 150 lb line, so we would never have been able to get them onboard anyway. But we're not slowing down for anything even fresh fish!

It been the equinox so the as the sun sets as the moon rises and it's so bright on a nighttime you can read a book in the cockpit!

All the best


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