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Asolare - Leg 4, Day 15

Easter Sunday 23rd March 2008


Another Gran Prix day I am going to miss! My son Simon, in the UK, faithfully DVD’s all Gran Prix races for me and sends them out by courier or friends later. Being a major fan of motor racing this is always something I look forward to immensely. As a thank you to Simon and as a tribute to his successes in motor racing, as a complete contrast, today’s photo is of Simon leading the field in his very modified Honda Civic! He actually won the UK Road Saloon Car Championship recently in the same car.

Shortly after yesterday’s log submission when it became light, the Parasailor was limply collapsing too near the shrouds and cross trees for comfort, so we reluctantly took it down. As soon as we had finished this and put standard “white” sails up, would you believe it, the wind picked up again after nearly 30 hours of very light wind and rose to about 15 knots. We did not expect this wind strength to last too long so we left the white sails in situ all yesterday and last night. Now, at dawn, (1445 hrs GMT) the wind is averaging 15 knots so when my crew wake up we will fly the Parasailor again!

Capt. Peter


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