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Graptolite - The Easter Tunny

08:56.03S 119:20.78W Easter Sunday, wee small hours

In an attempt to attract something other than skipjacks, Colin has deployed some cruise-missile-like lures which cost a fortune in the Galapagos. They are obviously splendid bits of kit as they easily attract creatures big enough to have little problem in breaking the 130lb test line they are attached to. Colin is distraught as he has a bet on with Adrian from Kealoa 8 over who gets the biggest fish. Never mind, we have loads of canned tuna in the stores to fall back on.

Some sightings of whales earlier. Big head, big dorsal fin, but yet to be identified. I hope they're not wearing a selection of our fishing lures.

Heiki has got into the habit of doing a Titanic-style 'Kate Winslet' up at the front of the boat each sunset. Guess who gets the part of 'Leonardo' to make sure she doesn't fall off? It's not a complaint.

Bikini of the day - Captain America stars and stripes.


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