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Southern Princess - Gybe City & the MPS

09:51S 130:15W
Didn't think I would be gybing backwards and forwards across the Pacific when we have so much water around us however our weather guru wants us to stay in the band 09:30S to 10:30S but the wind is not quite cooperating.
Yesterday after the wind filled in we ran the MPS all day and made good mileage. The MPS is a bit of a handful with only three of us however the girls run around the cockpit, busy as one armed paper hangers, handling all the lines, while I loll around the foredeck pulling in loose spinnaker nylon into the yacht as the sail comes down
Just on dusk last night we crossed tacks with 'Gray Lady' one of the yachts in our fleet who has not been reporting at the daily sched. On VHF they informed us their SSB was on the blink. This is a beautiful yacht built in New Zealand, British registered and owned by Russians. Never thought I would see the red duster used as a flag of convenience!
Not much else to report, we are back close by Storyteller again and we both should be in Hiva Oa by Wednesday morning.

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