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Kealoha 8 - K8 completes her longest ever trip- across the Pacific in 15 days !

Yes , we have finally arrived at the Hiva-Oa - in the Marquesas Islands after 15 days and 6 hours at sea - not bad when you consider we travelled 3,065 miles ( only 80 more then the rhumb line, averaging 7.9 knts ) and have arrived safely in one piece - ( well one of the spinnakers is still in one piece and Daniel is in one piece, albeit with a few mementos of the passage!) - with last minute jibes that an Americas cup team would be proud of we finally crossed the finish line at 1750 - local time

So a big thanks to all for making it such a memorable and safe crossing, Jens & Adrian for their endless supply of kiwi humour and great food and not least great sailing skills. K8 in one piece, in fact in great shape, thanks not only to Oyster yachts but also to Adrian's skilled maintenance programme and repairs. Rosie for keeping us sane at times, Nick for his Irish wit and Daniel for his enthusiasm and help all over the boat and as ever, David for his leadership and never ending quest for more boat speed! we must be only boat peeling kites at 2am !!

So some funny things about this little island we have landed on - yes it is French - so things are a little different - like it is 9 hours and 30 Min behind GMT. We will report more on the blog once we get to explore a little - but have already been warned about the "no no" flies.........

Now for a quiet drink to celebrate the longest sea voyage some of us (Kiwis do it longer!) have undertaken, quiet only because once again we are the FIRST mono hull to the finish!  NZ'ers - pse get our cricket team to pull finger...the Kiwis on K8 are taking a battering from the UK'ers!!!! Finally thanks to K8 for looking after us so well - what a safe ship

The Crew of The best mono Hull in the Round the World trip
David Holliday & K8
Adrian and Jen Osborne
Nick O'Donnell & Rosie Russell
Daniel Hearsum

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