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Kasuje - daily log Monday 24th March

Hi All
I hope you have enjoyed Easter and haven't eaten all the Easter Eggs in one sitting!! I can't remember an Easter with no chocolate, I must be having withdrawal symptoms. However, I have promised myself a large bar of chocolate as soon as I can find one, along with a glass of champagne. (That is going in the fridge today so we can all celebrate crossing the Pacific Ocean).
The winds picked up again last night and we are now flying along at 8 to 9 knots. Our instruments tell us we should arrive at the Island of Hiva Oa in two and a half days. We are all getting excited about seeing land again. Having read some of the information about the Pacific Islands, I think we are in for a treat as they look quite spectacular.
The boat is a hive of activity this morning. Ruby is on cooking duty today and spent some time looking in cooking books last night. We have Delia and Jamie on board! Steve's family were obviously worried he was going to starve whilst on his World adventure and made sure there were some cookery books for him to study and use. Ruby found some puff pastry in the freezer and I am told we are having chicken and mushroom pie for dinner follow by a fruit pie. Crossing the Atlantic we all lost weight as we used so much energy just to stand still. This has been a much easier crossing and I hate to say it but the weight is going up not down!
I have just plotted a chart showing where the other yachts are in relation to us and it looks as though we are in 15th place. It is amazing how the winds vary. Skipper keeps reminding us that this is not a race, and he is quite right. Some of the front boats are much larger have bigger crews and fly spinnakers etc, we just cruise along, thus they are always going to be at the front of the fleet.
Anne, just to let you know Steve has now got 30 items on his boat list. The longer we are at sea the more he dreams up to go on this list!!
Bye for now,
Skipper, Bruce and Ruby.

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