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Jus'Do It 3 - sunday dinner!

Monday 24th March 1200hrs.

Spinnaker all day again yesterday,then doing the sensible thing and taking it down before dark to goosewing throughout the night. We see both Storyteller and Southern Princess in the distance, heading south behind us. We’re running dead downwind and maintaining a COG of 265’. The wind becomes light early morning with a very rolly sea. The wind strengthens from 9am on to 16-17 knots, maintaining a boat speed of 8-9 knots. We pass some orange buoys and assume they are long line fishing lines, albeit a long way out!. Seeing a few more birds now, but still no fish! However, due to some skillful planning by one of the crew,we enjoy a roast beef dinner yesterday and full English this morning - so no moans yet!

Considering putting the spinnaker back up this afternoon , IF the winds ease……

Distance covered last 24 hrs – 188miles.

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