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Jus'Do It 3 - a catch!

25.03.08 1pm

We continue to goosewing in 15-20 knots of wind, constant East direction all day. Decided not to gibe, and continue on parallel to the rum line . We pass miles and miles of long line fishing lines, see a large fishing boat on the horizon and hear what sounds like Japanese chat on the VHF. No other yachts to be seen. Mid-afternoon – A CATCH! We manage to hook and land a Long-bill Spearfish. The whole crew plays a part in getting in the long awaited catch of the voyage: Annie winches the line in, Ronnie pulls and guides the line, Ian is once again head gaffer, and Stewy videos the whole process! The fish is 5’ long and takes a good few halfs of vodka to knock it out! (following initial shot of Soft & Gentle Shampoo!) In no time at all, Stewy has it skinned and filleted and the decks are scrubbed clean. We thoroughly enjoy our superb dinner with tatties and mushy peas.

It’s another beautiful night ; the moon is now on the wane but still good light.We manage to come up more on our course and now heading straight for Hiva Oa on 260’.We’ve  140 miles to go and if we keep up this speed (8-9 knots) we’ll be in by dawn!

Miles in last 24hrs – 185.

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