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Kasuje - Pigs might fly, no I think you mean fish!

Hi everyone,
Angela, Bruce and the Skipper put their heads together today to try and work out the itinerary for the rest of our trip . We have roughly 7 days to get from the Marquesas to Tahiti which is about 800 miles away. The distance between the two islands is not that far, but there are many islands in-between that we would like to visit. Also, and most importantly which island would be the correct place to open the celebratory champagne, this big decision is still undecided.  I thought i would go against the grain and suggest now!
We are all getting rather excited at the prospect of seeing land.  We will get to the Marquesas on either Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Although you may think after 3 weeks at sea, what difference does it make which of the days we get there. However, it is of utmost importance. As Wednesday night would mean we could go straight to the bar, as opposed to Thursday morning meaning it would be another 12 hours wait. This presuming there is a bar on the island. 
The skipper had a busy watch last night, he spotted a rain cloud in the distance, so he decided it would be nice to clean the boat, for a change!  He got all prepared with his brushes, sponges and swimming shorts, just for the rain cloud to pass to starboard. When i got up from sleep there was obvious disappointment in his face. Bruce informed me i was lucky as often the cleaning ceremony when raining, is conducted nude! 
Bruce also had a busy night and  decided to pick a fight.  Unfortunately none of us were there to bear witness to this, but Bruce managed to provoke a flying fish which jumped out of the water and struck him across his neck. Fortunately the problem has now been resolved. 
Kind Regards,
Ruby, Skipper and crew.

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