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Whitbread - The Management

Sailing on Whitbread requires lots of management of various issues. We have fuel management, water management, food management etc. etc. and if anything goes wrong then its obviously poor management of that issue. For example, yesterday we had very bad "sugar management". We appear to have run out of sugar on board and currently blame Wolfy who has been having more than his ration with 4 sugars in his coffee. He is now responsible for good sugar management on the future legs.

Todays issue being raised is "shade management". Without a bimini in the cockpit and in the midday sun at 10' south of the equator it doesn't take long for the helmsman to turn medium-well done. We have resorted to various ways of creating good shade management, from wrapping t-shirts on our heads or draping towels over us to our latest one of helming with one hand whilst holding a picnic table size umbella in the other - although in a strong gust yesterday it was blown inside out and halfway down the length of the boat!

However one issue remains at the top of the poor management list, something we have looked at improving in many ways but those responsible are still guilty of.........very poor "fish management". We have been doing worse than rubbish at catching fish, we have lost lures, lost lines, even the fish alarm system of a can of screws has rusted away and functions no longer. We are sending the crew members away (they shall remain anonymous) on a 3 day intensive training course to 'Fish Camp' once we reach the Marquesas. 'Fish Camp' is famous for its radical approaches and techniques in the art of fishing and we are hoping they will return with warrior like skills.

OK we have 342 miles left on the treadmill. This is what it feels like out at sea with nothing for reference to guage your progress against. It's just the same patch of sea as the day before, the sky may be a little different and the waves a bit more lively but it is still the same patch, as if it just rolls under the boat like a treadmill, slowly and steadily.

Until tomorrow.

The Management

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