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Graptolite - Summertime and the Living is Easy

09:47.86S 138:13.55W Sunday 30th March AM, 33 miles from landfall Hiva-Oa

If we were in the frozen North we would now be luxuriating with an extra hour in bed as it is apparently the start of 'Summertime'. As we are actually in the Tropics, in a time warp all of our own, we get no such guilty pleasures. Ship time is still UTC-6 but when we land it will be UTC-9.5 or 10.5 hours behind the UK. So jetlag is still possible even
travelling at jogging speed.

We've been tracking another yacht on radar for the past hour or two and can see its lights in the distance. This is the first yacht since leaving port so it's fairly exciting. She seems to be heading south so is possibly not one of 'ours' but if she's still around at daybreak I might call her up.

The next blog should come to you from the port of Atuona, Hiva-Oa, The Marquesas, French Polynesia, Far Side of the World.

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