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Cleone - Leg 4 Day 20 - We've Arrived!

The last few miles always take the longest.
And ours did, particularly because the wind died, leaving us with the last dozen miles to do in a very fickle wind.  So we kept the spinnaker flying (and it had been flying non-stop for the last 3 days and nights) and hung on in there.  Gradually the miles crept by, and the finishing line got closer and closer.  Finally, and as usual, we suddenly noticed that the finish line was abeam on the starboard side.  Hastily we dowsed the spinnaker, gybed, and headed for the line.  Making all of 4 and a half knots, we "sped" towards the marks, the tip of an island and a point on the mainland.  Finally, and not far short of dusk, we had made it.  Engine on, anchor out, sails furled; it was all action.  The harbour was just close by, and soon we were anchored alongside our friends.  Lady Kay hailed us; Will Streatfeild, our joining crewman, had already arrived and was on shore waiting for us.  Soon, accompanied by a mountain of luggage (much of which contained spares for Cleone) he landed on board.  Without even time to unpack, he went straight to work, helping inflate the dinghy, ship the outboard and carry out all the other 101 tasks that need to be done on arrival.  All to quickly, we discovered that there was a liberty bus to a nearby restaurant, and hastily stowing the sails, sheets etc we headed off with friends from Lady Kay for our first non-home-cooked meal for 3 weeks and a few welcome beers.
And then off to early bed, delighted not to have to rouse up only 6 hours later!
All well, and delighted to be here.
James, Chris & Elizabeth
Yacht Cleone
Hiva Oa
French Polynesia

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