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Southern Princess - He/She it's a problem to choose!

Taiohae Bay Nuku -Hiva                        08:55S 140:06W
What to do here? Helicopter ride? Go to Daniel's Bay and have a look at the third highest waterfall in the world? Yes let's do that but beware the NO-NOS. These are a very small sand fly, just visible to the naked eye which bite with a vengeance. Advice is to go ashore in long pants, tied at the ankles, socks, long sleeve shirt buttoned right up at the neck and lots of bug spray. The NO-NO's bite comes up in a very itchy blister which last for a few days, and if you scratch them you run the risk of them getting infected! Are we going? Don't know yet. It's a 2.5 hour walk into the falls and with all that gear on sounds very hot.
Let's do lunch while we think about it. Lunch was fantastic, Keikahanui Nuku Hiva Pearl Lodge, terrace overlooking the bay, great view of all the yachts swinging at anchor and the stunning backdrop of green clad mountains crowned by mist and clouds.
To get to the hotel it was a beach landing.                                                The view from the terrace, what a great view of our yacht.
Someone advised us to take lots of double AA batteries to the Marquesas as the locals like to trade food and artefacts for them.
These guys wouldn't take them, they wanted Visa
The flowers and the colours are outrageously gorgeous.
Now here's is a Marquesian custom I hope doesn't catch on. After a family has two or three boys
and they have (say) a fourth, then that one is bought up as a girl. Michele/Michael is a boy/girl
who is a full time transvestite. Nice guy/girl person? Lorraine & Mike in the background.
Tomorrow, Thursday our time, Friday in Australia we depart here for Makemo in the Tuamotus a 505nm sail which will get us there by Sunday morning our time. We have had the luxury of a mobile phone the last few days and we are now off the air again until Tahiti around the 20th of this month.
Love to all
John & Irene & Lorraine

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