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Wizard - Fatu Hive to Ua Pou

Hi, it's been a while since our last log, we've had and still have problems trying to download photos.

We are currently at sea having left Fatu Hiva to go to Ua Pou and are expecting to arrive tomorrow morning. In Fatu Hive we stayed in the most beautiful anchorage called La Baie des Vierges which means the bay of virgins. The anchorage is totally spectacular with huge rock formations overlooking the bay. Lots of the rocks have shapes of faces on them, one looks like a monkey and another like a lion. The locals are incredibly friendly. I had lots of fun with them, chatting, giving the children sweets and painting all ladies, young and old's finger nails in red nail polish.

We spent a day treking to a waterfall up in the mountain. It was not an easy trail, but we made it and had a swim at the top. We carried a fishing net with us to catch some cray fish but they were too quick for us even with the net and we returned home empty handed.

Some of the crew enjoyed a local meal of chicken, tuna, goat and fish with lots of coconut milk, very traditional, provided by the locals and were entertained by a young girl dancing and the resident musician with his guitar.


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