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Andante of Mersey - Progress around the Marquaises

On 28 March we arrived at Hiva Oa, the capital island, after 19 1/2 days at sea, mainly without an autohelm and strictly rationed water ie no showers, only occassional loo flushing, washing up in salt water etc. Straightaway Ann and I spent 2 glorious days in a wooden hut type posh hotel.  Ann was reluctant to return to the boat. Beer was £3 small bottle and taxis rides normally about £20. Went to the Mayor's afternoon party along with the rest of the town: free food (goat, raw tuna,etc) and soft drinks.

Early 2 April we sailed for 10 hrs to Fatu Hiva-an island made famous by Thor Heyerdahl (Kontiki etc).  The anchorage is a most beautiful inlet - rugged mountainous but lush and green.  Walked through undergrowth, across streams, over boulders for 1 1/2 hours to a waterfall, 80metre sheer rock with pool at the bottom.  Not much water flowing but it was good exercise. That evening we joined the crews of 2 other boats and had a meal in one of the bungalows, cooked by an enterprising local lady - this time chicken and pork was included in the fare

Yesterday we sailed back to Tahuata, just south of Hiva Oa, and anchored close to the a village which we explored this morning - given yams and bananas and bought wooden carvings.  Now we have moved to the north of the island ready for a 5am start and 60mile sail to Ua Pou, then on to Nuku Hiva for a few days and maybe mend the water maker. This bay is not as rugged as most and has a white sandy beach mit palms.

After a few days visiting bays on Nuku Hiva we hope to call in at 3 atolls in the Tuamotu Group before arriving at Tahiti no later than 27 April.

Love to all xx - please keep emailing- we love to hear what's going on in the other world K A nd Matt Ps pse pass to Li

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