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Lady Kay - Fatu Hiva

Spent two nights on the small island of Tahuata in a bay which is said to be best for snorkeling in Marquesas. Saw lots of fish that we hadn't seen before, but the great treat was our first view of spinner dolphins. There was a large pod in the bay, and they leap in the air and spin around in a pirouette before crashing back into the water. Quite spectacular and they were there most of the day. Also saw a very large shoal of very large tuna, which kept swimming around the boat with their fins out of the water. For a while we thought they were sharks and were not keen to go into the water, and great relief when we found out they were tuna! Set off early in the morning for the upwind motor-sail to Fatu Hiva. Not used to going upwind and it felt very bumpy, but arrived in Fatu Hiva at about 2pm. On the way we were surrounded for about 20 mins by an immense pod , or several pods, of spinner dolphins, all showing off like mad. This is a fabulous bay, in photo, originally called the bay of verges (penises) because of the rock shapes all around (not very clear in photo as in shade at time), but missionaries changed name to bay of vierges or virgins.

Went for a hike and scramble in the lush vegetation up to a stunning waterfall where we swam in the pool at the bottom. Quite a long walk and legs very stiff next day. In the evening we went, along with some others from the Arc, to eat with a local family. Had a wonderful feast of raw fish marinated in lime juice and coconut milk (a local speciality) grilled fish, spicy barbequed goat, and chicken in coconut milk. Served with rice, cooked purple bananas, grilled plantain, bread fruit and a lovely coleslaw like thing made from papaya.

First thing this morning at 5.30 about 16 older children left the little village here to go by small boat to Hiva Oa and then by plane to Tahiti where they go to school. Later this morning the small bay was invaded by spinner dolphins who stayed with us for hours. Several people jumped in to swim and snorkel with them.

Will try and send a log again tomorrow.
Cheers from J, K & M


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