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Quasar V of Lleyn - Log 05 April

Saturday 5th April


Left Nuka Hiva early afternoon after more shopping and an expensive refuel (about £400!) and had a pleasant sail to Ua-Pou. Decided to go to Hakahau Bay and put my waypoint there only to find that I had actually put the waypoint at Hakahetau Bay when we arrived, same latitude different longitude. oops! Still we had an extra hour for the watermaker after we had emptied the tank as someone was complaining the water tasted off, as we motored an hour round the corner in the dark!

We had booked for dinner at the Pension Pukuee and turned up ¾ of an hour late, with the food already on a long table with the 4 house guests. Included on the table were a couple who we had seen in Keikahanui Pearl Lodge and she (who was from Brittany) had just finished a one year contract as a mid-wife in the Nuka Hiva Hospital. Malcy and I weren't that keen on the food (too much raw fish) but the Bordeaux Superior was good! The others fixed up with Jerome (an ex-French marine, who was the husband married to a Polynesian lady) to go on a walking excursion the next day. When we got back to the dinghy, which we had pulled up on the beach we were surprised that it had been untied from its lamppost!


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