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Quasar V of Lleyn - log

Tuesday 8th April


A night without much wind and slow progress, but a lot of sleep for most of us with 2 hours on and 8 off! Most of the BWR yachts seem to be just couples (as are a few on WARC), but working 3 hours on and 3 off for thousands of miles is not at all appealing to me!

So when I wake up around 8, having stayed beyond my watch to make some progress on the log, the kite is up and we are making slightly better progress, but at only 5 knots!

Not much to report for the rest of the day variable winds with the engine off and on, but Barry had some success after too many blank days by catching 2 blue fin tuna, providing at least 4 meals worth and no more fishing needed for some time especially as we need to empty the freezer when the boat comes out of the water in Tahiti!

Wednesday 9th April


Not much happening this morning the kite is up, a few jobs being done, in particular Malcy is doing some varnishing, Barry is cooking some more tuna and Lindsey and JB are doing their journals in the case of JB which will form the basis of some spectacular prose, the composition of which has delayed the sending of the log as we catch up after days ashore!


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